From your course navbar select Assessments and from the dropdown click on the Assignment option
From the Assignments page, find the assignment you want to provide feedback on. Click the downward arrow next to the assignment name and select View Submissions
Find the students submission you want to provide feedback for and click on the link of their submission
From within the students submission, scroll down on the page until you find the area that has the Record Audio/Record Video links. Click on the link you want to record and start providing the feedback.
When recording a video, you will click the blue New Recording button. Once done, click the blue add button.
When recording audio, click the blue New Recording button. Once finished click the blue Add button.
When you click add for either recording it will prompt a new box to open. You will need to title your media capture, you can add a description of what the feedback is for, add what language the audio is in and can generate captions if needed. Once done click the blue add button.
Once you have added you video or audio feedback, they will show up as attachments over the recording box. Select Publish when you would like to publish your feedback to the student
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