As seen in the 'Changing/Editing Grades' guide, you can choose to make assignments into bonus items (extra credit) for your students/users.
1. Starting at the course home page, click on the 'Grades' tab within the navbar.
2. Make sure you are on the 'Manage Grades' page using the Grades Navigation bar (below the D2L navigation bar, as shown in the image below).
3. If you want to have a grade item be an extra credit item, click on the 'edit' option on the specific assignment menu (right of the assignment name).
4. On the 'Grading' pop-up window, find and click on the 'bonus' checkbox under the Grading section to make it an extra credit assignment.
5. The below image is an image of the entire page, showing you where the Grading area is located on the page (about center page). The 'Grading' heading is highlighted, and the 'bonus' option is highlighted.
6. Once you click 'Save and Close,' there should be a golden star next to the assignment to show you it is now extra credit.
7. The bonus item will be excluded from the total Final Calculated Grade, with no "out of" points denominator like the other assignments. The below image shows a comparison of the bonus item (highlighted and labeled 1) with a normal grade item (highlighted and labeled 2).
Congratulations! Your assignment is now a bonus assignment!
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