This is a guide for enabling Turnitin within a Group Assignment. If you know how to/have already created groups within your class, please skip the 'Creating Groups' checklist and move to the 'Enabling Turnitin on Group Work' checklist.
1. Before creating group assignments, you might want to make sure you have groups created from your class. If you have already created groups for your course, please skip this section.
To create a group in your course, click on the 'Tools' tab on the navigation bar, the click 'Groups.'
2. Click on the blue 'New Category' button will take you to the 'New Category' page, where you can customize the category how you see fit.
3. You can change the name and description of the Category, but you can also alter the Enrollment Type, the Number of Groups, the Restriction of Enrollments, and the Group Prefix (as shown below).
4. You can also alter the Properties and Additional Options. When you are done, clicking the blue 'Save' button will take you back to the 'Manage Groups' page.
3. Click on a Group Name from the table and now choose to enroll users using the 'Enroll Users' button at the top of the editing page.
4. This will take you to the 'Enrollments' page where you can choose users from the given table by clicking the check boxes next to the names and then click the blue 'Save' button to enroll these users in this specific group.
5. This group is now active. You can choose to create more groups within your course using the same method listed above, or you can move into the next section.
1. When you want to enable 'Turnitin' on an assignment, locate the assignment you wish to enable TurnitIn on in the Assignments folder of the Assessments tab on the D2L Navigation bar.
(If you haven't created an assignment but want to, find our guide about 'Creating an Assignment in D2L' and take a look!)
2. Find the assignment you wish to change, and click the drop-down menu button next to the assignment name. This will open a menu, click on the 'Edit Assignment' option from the menu.
3. You will be taken to a New Assignment page, where you will see the editing page for your assignment. Clicking on the Submission & Completion section. This will open the option for 'Group Assignment,' click this option.
4. Choose the group you want this assignment assigned to.
5. Next, click on the menu 'Evaluation and Feedback,' then click on 'Manage Turnitin' under the TurnitIn Integration subheading.
6. A pop-up window named 'TurnitIn Integration' will pop up.
Check-mark the options 'Enable Similarity Report for this folder' and 'Enable Online Grading for this folder,' then click on the 'Save' button at the bottom of the pop-up window to save your changes.
7. After you click 'Save,' the window will close and you will be taken back to the editing page of the assignment. Clicking on the blue 'Save and Close' button of the editing page will take you back to the assignment preview (how users will see the assignment).
Congratulations! You can now enable Turnitin for group assignments!
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