1. Access a course in D2L and select the "Content" tab in the navigation bar. This will take you to the course's content area.

2. In the content area, you will see the "Table of Contents" section, which provides an overview of all the course materials.

3. Take a moment to explore the "Table of Contents" to familiarize yourself with the organization of the course. It may be structured into modules or units, each containing various topics or sub-sections.

4. To access the topics within a unit or module and view its content, simply choose the title of the unit or module. This action will expand the unit or module and display its corresponding topics or sub-sections.
The number displayed beside the modules typically indicates the number of topics or sub-sections contained within that module. It gives you an indication of the amount of content you can expect to find within each module.

5. Once you have expanded a module, you can select a specific topic to view its content by simply selecting the title to access its materials. In this instance, we will select "Module One: Introductions" and the topic "Module One Overview: Welcome!" as an example.

6. When you're viewing the content of a topic, you can navigate between different topics using the arrows at the top of the page. These arrows allow you to move forward to the next topic or backward to the previous one.

7. To navigate back to the main "Content" page at any time, you can select the "Content" tab in the navigation bar. This will instantly take you back to the overview of the course's content area.
Alternatively, if you are currently viewing a specific content topic, you can utilize the side panel located below the navigation bar. This side panel, visible when viewing a content topic, allows you to quickly navigate to a specific module or unit within the course. Simply select the desired module or unit from the side panel to access its content.

By following these steps, you should be able to effectively navigate the content area in Brightspace D2L and access the course materials. Well done!
Helena Ast
thank for the help
Wally Warren
Looking forward to this