1. When you want to enable 'Turnitin' on an assignment, locate the module you want the new assignment in and click the 'Upload/Create' button. Then, click on the 'New Assignment' option from the drop-down menu.
2. Once you click on 'New Assignment,' you will be taken to a new page with a blank Assignment layout. Fill out the different parts of the assignment.
3. To enable Turnitin on this specific assignment, click on the 'Evaluation & Feedback' menu. On the drop-down menu, click on the option 'Manage Turnitin.'
4. You will be shown a pop-up window - click on the options to 'Enable Similarity Report for this folder' and 'Enable Online Grading for this folder.' To save your changes, click on the 'Save' button at the bottom of the pop-up window. This will take you back to your original assignment.
5. If everything looks good in the assignment, click on the 'Save and Close' button on the bottom of the screen.
6. After you click 'Save and Close,' you will be taken back to the assignment preview (how everyone will see the assignment).
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