3. From the Homepages window, find the PCC Daylight Course Home default (or any other Homepage you wish to copy) and select the downward arrow next to the name and Select Copy.
4. Once the page refreshes, from the Active Homepage drop-down list, find the Homepage you just copied. It will say PCC Daylight Course Home default - Copy (or whichever Homepage title - Copy). Select that title then select the Apply button.
5. Once the page refreshes, scroll down until you see the copy you set to active. It will be highlighted in blue. Select the blue link.
6. From the Edit Homepage, this is where you can change the name of the Homepage to be the name of your actual course or whatever title you prefer.
7. You can change your layout of the Homepage by selecting the Change Layout button, select your desired layout and select the blue Update button when done.
8. To add a widget, select the Add a Widget button and choose from the available widgets, and select the Add button when done.
You are done. Great job!
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