1. If it has been determined a video is not working within the course, follow these instructions.
2. To find a replacement video, visit the Panapto website and use the search bar on the upper right corner to look for the desired video. Use this link to access Panapto pima-cc.hosted.panopto.com
Only videos that have been made available to other users within Panopto can be utilized by people that are not the owner.
3. When the desired video has been found, click on "Share" next to the video, and then click "Embed".
4. Then click "Copy Embed Code" and save this to paste into D2L to enter the new video.
Be sure the "Who can access this video" part says "Anyone who has this link"
5. With the embed code copied, navigate to the module in D2L and click on the broken video to open the page.
6. Next, click the drop down arrow at the top of the page and select "Edit Video".
This window will be opened and allow a new URL to be entered. After correcting the URL and any other needed changes, click "Update" at the bottom.
When finished, return to the page to confirm the video now works.
This is also the area that a URL or embed code can be replaced.
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