Pima Tech Guides

PlayPosit: Completing a Bulb and Syncing Grades

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In order to complete a PlayPosit bulb, the video must be watched to the end with all the interactions answered. Afterwards, your instructor may allow for retakes that initiate the Sync Grade option. This ensures that the bulbs score after being relaunched is successfully updated to the gradebook.

For additional information on the PlayPosit Bulb experience, visit: PlayPosit: Student Viewing Experience

Step-by-Step Instructions

Image of a PlayPosit video bulb. On the left Review tab, the “In Progress” text is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating the bulb assignment is in progress.

Instructors can hide learner scores after Bulbs are completed. Individual interactions are still able to be viewed for the score, but not the whole completed bulb percentage.

Image of a PlayPosit video bulb. On the left Review tab, the “Complete!” text is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating that the bulb has been finished.

This is shown around the time of the Bulb Completion Notification.

Image of a PlayPosit video bulb on the top right. The pop-up notification,”Successfully Exported Grades” is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating that the grades synced to the D2L gradebook.
4. 2 Additional Bulb Completion Options

Manually Graded items include: Free response or discussion based questions.

Image of a PlayPosit video bulb completed with manual grading required. The review tab on the left shows a percentage icon of 56% and text with “Complete!” highlighted in red with an arrow indicating that the bulb is completed but needs manual grading from the instructor.

Some instructors may want a minimum score to complete the bulb. If the criteria isn't met, there will be a grey pop-up as stated on the image below, "You did not score the minimum requirement of 90%. Please try again."

Image of a PlayPosit video bulb with minimum completion score criteria. On the top right side of the screen, the notification “You did not score the minimum requirement of 90%. Please try again” is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating that they didn’t meet the minimum score threshold.

Optional: Retake Bulb

Note: your instructor may have enabled individual interactions to allow retakes. In this case, retake only the incorrect ones without going through the whole bulb again.

Image of a PlayPosit bulb. On the left side review tab, a completed bulb has a Retake option highlighted in red with an arrow indicating to select it.

By clicking Retake, D2L will reset your grade in the gradebook to 0. After retaking, you'll need to Sync your grades to update the score.

Image of a PlayPosit bulb. A pop up notification showing “Warning: Retaking bulb deletes all data” appears. On the bottom right Retake is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating to select.
Image of a PlayPosit bulb. On the left side review tab, Sync Grades is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating to select it after re-completing the bulb.

You are done. Great job!


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