Pima Tech Guides

PlayPosit: Batch Settings

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PlayPosit offers batching settings for the bulbs created. This allows multiple bulb's settings to be corrected at once rather than individually as demonstrated below.

For more information on creating bulbs, visit: PlayPosit: Creating a Bulb (Interactive Video).

Step-by-Step Instructions

Image of PlayPosit dashboard. On the left side of 3 bulbs, they have been highlighted in red labeled 1 with an arrow indicating their selection. On the top left of the bulbs, Batch Settings is highlighted in red labeled 2 with an arrow indicating to select it.
Image of the PlayPosit Batch Setting page. On the top right corner, Apply to All is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating to select it.

Note:  Batch settings will not override the original bulb settings. It will only add the newly changed settings into the bulb.

For example, if the original bulb had Allow Viewers to Fast Forward and the batch settings added Hide learner score upon bulb completion, then both will be applied.

Image of the PlayPosit “Apply to All” Batch Setting page. Tags, Playback options, and Privacy settings are shown with Playback options opened and customized. On the bottom right, Apply is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating to select when finished customizing settings.
Image of the PlayPosit “Apply to All” Batch Setting page. A confirmation message at the top right corner highlighted in red says,” These settings have been successfully applied to all selected bulbs.”

Congratulations! The Batch Settings for PlayPosit Bulbs is completed.

You are done. Great job!


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