Sections of PDF Annotation Interactivity
The example PDF Annotation Interaction is loaded in a PlayPosit Bulb.
- The following features are shown throughout the PDF Interaction. Each section will be demonstrated below.
Note: Annotations don't save in the Bulb. Check out "Preserve Annotations on PDF" in the choices below to learn how to save a download to your device.

Which section do you want to view first?
The basic text editor will give the following options with the selected text:
- Comment
- Highlight
- Underline
- Strikethrough
- Copy text

Note: The comment section will automatically open up where you can find any commentary including references of annotations that involve highlights and underlined sections. From here, you can also add replies to the comments.

The 3 options include:
- Highlight
- Underline
- Strikethrough
Which are all demonstrated on the PDF document. The colors can be changed to allow differentiation between the points.

The location of where the PDF was found is automatically bookmarked in this section for the convenience of the learner.

The pages are outlined smaller with an overview to navigate with the scrollbar to the desired section of the PDF.

In the page viewing section, the following options are available for customization:
- SIngle Page View
- Two Page View
- View with Scrolling
- Fit one page
- Fit to width
- Full screen

This is where all the comments will be stored from the learner. From here, comments can be found, added, modified, or deleted.