Pima Tech Guides

PlayPosit: Facilitating Learner-Made Bulbs for Instructors

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In this article, you will learn the basics for creating, assigning and monitoring PlayPosit learner-made bulbs.  For an overview of learner-made bulbs, please see PlayPosit: Learner-Made Bulb Experience Guide for Instructors.


Sign in to your PlayPosit account with your Pima Google Credentials at go.playposit.com.

What is a PlayPosit Learner-Made Bulb?

A learner-made bulb will allow a learner to have access to the PlayPosit Bulb Designer to create their own interactive video. All the specifications and access to peer bulbs will be administered by the instructor. The learner can be graded according to the instructor's criteria for their uploaded video with embedded content. Possible use cases include:

  • Review projects where learners create their own questions on video already seen.
  • Have learners create their own video and add interactions to increase engagement. This video can then be shared with other students.
  • Record a learner's presentation and have them reflect on their performance with comments.
1. Creating a Learner-Made Bulb Assignment
Image on the Playposit dashboard. The down arrow to the right of “add new bulb” is selected. Add Learner Made Bulb is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating to select it.
image of the add learner made bulb dialog showing the following options in order: name of learner made bulb, learning objective/instructions.

Advanced options include changing the points value, and toggling on/off the following options:

  • Allow learners to use private video hosts- leave this enabled as it allows students to use Panopto or another video host.
  • Enable complete/incomplete grading- if enabled learners will automatically receive full points when they submit their bulbs.
Image of the learner made bulb advanced options. Save is found in the bottom right corner.
2. Assigning a Learner-Made Bulb in D2L
image showing to select PlayPosit found near the end of the alphabetized list of existing activities.
Image of "test" learner made bulb link in the desired module.
3. Monitoring a Learner Made Bulb
Image on D2L, the Learner Made Bulb external link example is shown. It is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating to select it.
4. Adding a student's bulb to your D2L course

A neat aspect of learner-made bulbs is being able to share student made bulbs with the rest of the course. Follow these instructions to add a student bulb to your D2L course.

For additional information or alternative methods of developing learner-made bulbs, visit: Playposit's Article on Learner-Made Bulbs.

You are done. Great job!


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Previous Guide PlayPosit: Learner-Made Bulb Experience Guide for Instructors
Next Guide PlayPosit: Learner-Made Bulbs Creating a Bulb (Interactive Video)
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