In this article, you will learn the basics for creating a PlayPosit bulb (interactive video) including adding a video, adding interactions, and adjusting settings. For more detailed information on creating bulbs, please visit PlayPosit's Knowledge Base.
- Know how to login to PlayPosit
- Have selected a YouTube or Panopto video to make into a bulb (interactive video)

Success! Your video will appear to the right of the screen and is ready to add Interactions. The Bulb Designer (video editor) will appear to the left.

- Auto-graded options include Multiple Choice, Check All, Fill In the Blank, and Poll.
- Manually graded (instructor graded) options include Free Response and Discussion.
- Non-graded options include Pause (to include important instructions or background information) and Web Embed (to include supplementary sources like web pages.)
For this tutorial, we will review how to create a Multiple Choice Interaction. The same principles apply to all interactions.

Important settings to enable that might be useful for all videos: 1. Allow learners to rewind after an interaction appears. 2. Hide learner score upon bulb completion. (If you have included any manually graded interactions such as Free Response, those grades will not be immediately available and can confuse students.)

Selecting the Allow learners to retake the bulb upon completion will force learners to go through the entire video and questions again for a new score. If it is not selected, students are still able to review the video after their first attempt but don't take the bulb again.

Congratulations! You have created your first bulb. It will now appear on your My Bulbs homepage. See PlayPosit: Adding a PlayPosit Bulb to D2L for how to add your bulb to your course.
You are done. Great job!
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