Periodically, check to see the scores that you have received in Perusall. Participation, quality, and timeliness are the key factors that are graded in each interaction. However, the instructor may add their own requirements.
For more information on how Perusall scores, check out: How scoring works
- If you want to download all annotations, select the top right option. If you only want to download a specific assignment's annotations, select the right download icon on that assignment.
- Near the downloads, there is also the score that will appear when the instructor grades the assignments. (If there isn't a score, the instructor hasn't updated your grade yet.)
Extra tips about Perusall scores
- You may ask or answer questions outside of the context of an assignment.
- If your assignment was already graded and the submission deadline passes, you can't alter your annotations.
You are done. Great job!
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