Perusall is an online student collaborative platform to make annotation and social engagement inclusive. Navigating the student experience, there are multiple sections to utilize Perusall to its full potential. If you are interested in a quick overview, check out:
Note: There won't always be a video assignment/interaction. Most times an article or textbook may be used for annotation and collaborate purposes.
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When you navigate to the top of the Perusall assignment, from left to right there will be:
File names, All comments dropdown, Get help dropdown, and your Student account.
Additionally, the Add comment icon will be displayed on the top right of the assignment for your convenience to engage with peers.
The student account will have your settings, payments (if you purchase a textbook or document), and sign out icons all listed here.
This is where all of your general information will be located for Perusall. It's a quick guide to navigate your Perusall courses, library, assignments, and chats.
There are 4 main sections:
1. General Persuall Information: All the general information displayed on your personal Perusall account.
2. Content: Library and Assignments tabs.
3. Chats: Groups and One-on-One (not associated with the assignment).
4. Hashtags: General content categorization.
Note: The controls shown for the video player are also a part of the streaming audio player.
The typical buttons for a video assignment will be located at the bottom. For left to right, you will find:
1. Rewind 10 seconds
2. Rewind
3. Play
4. Fast forward
5. Volume
6. Zoom
7. Settings (Which usually has the speed control of the video)
To the right of the assignment/reading/interaction, there is a list of various collaboration tools. From top to bottom the features are:
1. Assignment Information: The assignment submission deadline, instructions, and navigate through multi-part assignments.
2. Current Conversation: When you click on a highlight or annotation. Displays the comments in this section as current.
3. All Conversations: Browse the full list of students' comments and questions.
4. My Starred Comments: Browse a list of students' comments and questions that you have starred for later review.
5. Thumbnails: Navigate the document by viewing page thumbnails.
6. Notifications panel: When students or instructors respond to one of your comments, you will be notified.
7. Notes Panel: Take notes that are private to you (or you can share them with other course members). Type text, or highlight text or pictures to copy in, with links back to the document.
(8.Read- aloud panel: you can scroll the text to anywhere in the document, and then click the start button to start reading aloud. Click the start thread button while text is being read to start a conversation based on text you just heard.)
For assignments with text, the Read-aloud panel will show as depicted below:
9. Members of my group: See what group number you're in, and the other members of your group.
Located at the top of the reading panel, from top to bottom they are:
1. Text selection: Comment on or ask a question about text. Then highlight the text you want to comment on.
2. Figure selection: Comment on a figure. You can highlight or pinpoint sections of the figure.
3. Zoom: Magnify in or out on the reading screen.
4. Keyboard shortcuts: For the page.
Available when viewing documents directly from the Course Library. From top to bottom the features are:
1. Table of Contents: Navigate the document via the table of contents.
2. Search: Search the contents of the entire book.