In this article, you will learn how to utilize Perusall's cloning option. You will need to follow this process anytime you teach a course that is cloned from a Master Course to any other course. Repeat this process for each individual CRN.
Note: Each cloned course should already have a course login, but if it does not then please check out our article Perusall: Adding a Perusall Course Login to D2L to learn how to set up a Perusall login for your course.
Step-by-Step Instructions
The new course in the LMS will link a corresponding course in Perusall.
3.1 Select Another instructor's course, using a copy code.
3.2 Insert a Copy code.
- Paste in the Master Course's Copy code.
3.3 (Optional) If you know the first assignment due date, then you can select the Adjust all deadlines so the first assignment is due at option.
3.4 Select Copy course settings.
Congrats! You have set up your course! Please reach out to the ALT Team for questions or a consultation on using Perusall in your course.
You are done. Great job!
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