Pima Tech Guides

Simple Syllabus: Adding, Deleting, and Hiding Required Textbook and Optional/Recommended Materials

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This article provides guidance on adding textbooks and materials in both the "Required Textbook(s)" and "Optional/Recommended Materials" components, as well as hiding a material if there is no option to delete.

The "Required Textbook(s)" component must be completed before you are able to submit the syllabus.

Adding a Textbook in the Required Textbook Component.

Image of the “Required Textbook(s)” component with annotation pointing to the "Edit" button which is an icon of a pencil in a blue circle located to the top left side.

Click in the "Book Search" field and search using the ISBN, title, or author.

Image of the “Required Textbook(s)” component with annotation pointing to the "Book Search" feature located near the top left side.

Once you have entered search criteria, select the correct book you would like to add.

Image of the book search with annotation around the search result that is going to be added. This is located to the top left side.

Edit the key information that auto-populates as needed (1).

Replace the image, if desired, by clicking the "Replace" button (2), then adding an image from your computer or an image URL. Clicking the "Remove" button (3) will remove the image.

Image of the "Required Textbook(s)" component with annotation pointing to the key info fields located to the right side.  As well as the blue "Replace" and white "Remove" buttons located to the top left side.

Alternatively, type book or other materials information directly into each field as needed (1).

Replace the image, if desired, by clicking the "Replace" button (2), then adding an image from your computer or an image URL. Clicking the "Remove" button (3) will remove the image.

Image of the "Required Textbook(s)" component with annotation pointing to the key info fields, as well as the "Replace" and "Remove" buttons.
Image of the "Required Textbook" component with annotation pointed to the blue "Save" button located to the bottom left.

Congratulations, you have added a Required Textbook!

Image of the "Optional/Recommended Materials component with annotation pointing to the “Book search” field located to the top left side.

Edit the key information that auto-populates as needed (1).

Replace the image, if desired, by clicking the "Replace" button (2), then adding an image from your computer or an image URL. Clicking the "Remove" button (3) will remove the image.

Image of the "Optional/Recommended Materials component with annotation pointing to the edits made to the "Edition" field, as well as the "Replace" and "Remove" buttons.

Alternatively, type book or other materials information directly into each field as needed (1).

Replace the image, if desired, by clicking the "Replace" button (2), then adding an image from your computer or an image URL. Clicking the "Remove" button (3) will remove the image.

Image of the "Optional/Recommended Materials component with annotation pointing to the key info fields located to the right side. As well as the blue "Replace" and white "Remove" buttons located to the left side.
Image of the "Required Textbook" component with annotation pointed to the blue "Save" button to the left side.

Congratulations! You have added an Optional/Recommended Material.

Deleting a Material.

If your department utilizes a "Common Syllabus Template" and has added a material/textbook, you will not be able to delete it.

However, you are able to hide it, if permitted by your department.

Follow the "Hiding a Textbook or Material" guide below.

Image of Required Textbook component with annotation pointing to the blue pencil icon located to the left side.
Image of the Required Textbook component with annotation pointing to the blue "Delete" button on the bottom left side.

The "Required Textbook(s)" component must be completed for the syllabus to be submitted. If there is no textbook or material for this course, please type "No Required textbook for this course" or something similar in the "Title" field, then click the blue "Save" button.

Image of a confirmation message asking to confirm deletion, or the option to cancel, with annotation pointing to the blue "Confirm" button.

Congratulations! You have deleted a textbook or material!

Hiding a Textbook or Material

Image of the "Required Textbook(s)" component with annotation pointing to the blue "Hide" button.

Hiding a textbook or material will not satisfy the requirement of a textbook. If there is no textbook or material for this course, please type "No Required textbook for this course" or something similar in the "Title" field, then click the blue "Save" button.

Image of the "Required Textbook(s)" component with annotation pointing to the closed eye symbol.

Congratulations! You have hidden a textbook or material.

You are done. Great job!


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