Pima Tech Guides

Simple Syllabus: Previewing the Syllabus

Updated on


The syllabus can be previewed before it is submitted. Previewing the syllabus will show what the students will see.

The "View as Student" mode in D2L will not work with Simple Syllabus as well as other integrated technologies!

Step-By-Step Instructions (Unapproved Syllabus)

1. From the Simple Syllabus Dashboard, click on the Edit button on the syllabus.

Pima Community College - Simple Syllabus - Google Chrome

2. On your syllabus, click on the Preview button. It is located near the bottom left of the screen.

Pima Community College - Simple Syllabus - Google Chrome

3. The preview of your syllabus will open in a new tab/window.

Take notice of syllabus status at the top of the preview (depicted below).

Pima Community College - Simple Syllabus - Google Chrome

Step-By-Step Instructions (Approved Syllabus)

From the Simple Syllabus Dashboard, click on the View button on the syllabus that is located in the Completed column.

Image of the syllabus dashboard with annotation pointing to the "View" button.

The preview of your syllabus will open in a new tab/window.

Image of the syllabus preview view.

To exit the approved syllabus preview mode, click the "x" for the browser tab. You will then be taken back to the Simple Syllabus Dashboard.

Edits made to a syllabus after approval, will have to be resubmitted for approval in order for the changes to appear for students.

To edit the approved syllabus from the preview screen, click the "Edit Syllabus" button.

Image of the syllabus preview view with annotation pointing to the "x" on the corresponding browser tab.


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