Hyperlinks can be added to components in Simple Syllabus. For example, a hyperlink can be added to the syllabus that will link to the Schedule of Work in D2L.
Copying a URL
Copy the URL of what you want to link out to in a syllabus component. You can click on the URL until it highlights, then right-click or type Ctrl (or Command for Apple computers) and C on your keyboard to copy.
Adding a URL as a Hyperlink
In the syllabus, click in the component where you want to add the hyperlink. Then, in the tool bar, click on the attachment icon.
1. In the URL box, add the link by right-clicking or pressing Ctrl (Command for Apple computers) and V on your keyboard to paste the link. 2. Add the title of the URL in the "Text" box. 3. Click the "Open in new tab" check box. 4. Click on "Insert" to complete the steps.
Always use a link that students can access. If you use a D2L URL make sure it is to the same CRN as the course syllabus. (i.e., Syllabus CRN: 12345 to D2L CRN: 12345) For help email [email protected].
Congratulations, you have added a hyperlink to a Simple Syllabus component!
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