Syllabus Approver roles are assigned in Simple Syllabus by Faculty Services based on the division’s leadership structure. All syllabi must be approved through the workflow process before being published in D2L for students. This includes syllabi that have been revised after the initial approval.
Step-by-Step Instructions
When a syllabus is submitted for approval, it will be directly routed to the approver for review. Approvers who have a syllabus awaiting their approval will receive an email notifying them which syllabus is ready for their review.
A. Approvers may filter by Subject, Organization, and/or Instructor.
B. Use the Approvals button and the Current Term to find syllabi that need immediate attention.
Syllabi that are not ready for approval will be in the column labeled Not Ready. Syllabi that need approval will be in the To Do column. Syllabi that need approval will be in the Awaiting Approval column. The Completed column will be where you find syllabi that have already been approved.
Approvers will need to click the Review button on the syllabus they would like to review. This will open the syllabus publisher, where they will see the syllabus containing all of the content input by the instructor, as well as any content input onto the Common Syllabus (if applicable).
Approvers have the same ability to add and edit syllabus content as instructors.
After reviewing the syllabus, the approver should scroll to the bottom of the syllabus, where they will see Approve, an arrow next to the Approve button, Preview, and Close buttons. Selecting the Approve button will approve the syllabus and publish it. Selecting the arrow, provides the option to Reject the syllabus. Rejecting the syllabus will send the syllabus back to the instructor for editing and re-submission. The Preview button provides a preview of what students will see.
The approver can include comments when approving or rejecting the syllabus, which will display in the History feed and be visible to the instructor, as well as any other editors of the syllabus and other approvers. The instructor will receive an email notification after a syllabus has been approved or rejected.
Selecting the Close button will close the syllabus, neither approving nor rejecting the syllabus. The syllabus will remain as an open item on the approver's dashboard until they either approve or reject it.
![Image of buttons to approve, reject, close, as well as History view](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/008/694/063/original/bd2bef93-6a78-4bbd-85cb-2bab262a2725.png)
Syllabus changes will need to be approved before they appear on the published syllabus. Syllabi can be edited and resubmitted by instructors up through the last day of the term, after which time, syllabi will be locked down and archived in the Simple Syllabus Library.
You are done. Great job!
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