Essential Guidelines
- Always think of the content generated by Smart Import as a draft
- Example: expect to spend about 1-2 hours editing an Interactive Book activity before it is ready for students
- Check out the Smart Import Customization Guidelines
- Vet the content for potential issues
- Be sure to correct any inaccurate content
- We recommend having another subject matter expert check the content
- Pay particular attention to the Accordion (Glossary). The content in the Glossary will be pulled from a larger body of knowledge from outside the source content (video, pdf, etc.)
- Check for objectionable content and remove it as needed
- Any source with divisive opinions, objectionable content, etc. will not be filtered for content and may result in undesirable content
- Be sure to correct any inaccurate content
- Remove redundant/repeated questions to streamline the student experience
- It is likely that some questions created in the Question Set (Quiz), Interactive Book, and Interactive Videos may be redundant
Guidelines To Consider
- Quiz and interactive video questions can range from Remember, Understand, and even up into the Apply level of Bloom's Taxonomy
- Consider the purpose of the learning activity you are creating and consider an appropriate level or blend of levels for questions
- Keep a consistent format to your edits where possible to reduce cognitive load for students
- Disclose your use of AI-generated content with students and instructors
- Invite students and instructors to report errors so they can be addressed quickly
Get Support
Reach out to the ALT Team with any questions you have about Smart Import.
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