The recommend language below may need to be adapted based on your course needs and how you will use H5P. Feel free to use this language in your syllabus and adjust it for your needs.
In this course you will utilize a tool called H5P that is used to create interactive activities. These activities allow you to practice your knowledge and understanding of the course concepts using a highly interactive approach in the form of hot-spot clickable images, drag-and-drops, fill-in-the-blank, flash cards, true/false and multiple choice questions and more. These activities are graded and you can take them an unlimited amount of times. Participating in H5P activities in this course will be an important key to achieving our course outcome to [INSERT LEARNING OUTCOME] by [INSERT LEARNED SKILL].
Grading will be based on the following criteria: [INSERT GRADING CRITERIA]
This tool is fully integrated with D2L and doesn't require any additional sign on information. Simply complete the H5P activities embedded into our D2L course pages.
H5P functions best within Chrome or Firefox--please make sure your device and browsers are up to date.
If you are having trouble using this tool, you can view H5P Support Articles or reach out to the ALT Team for support.
Consider using a first "practice" assignment to help students familiarize themselves with H5P activities.
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