Pima Tech Guides

H5P: Editing Content

Updated on


If an instructor intends to edit H5P content, it is advisable to do so before students complete their interactions. In cases where students have already engaged with the H5P, make sure to download the report before editing to maintain a record of student interactions and their scores.

Note: H5P activities can be edited after students have interacted with them, but editing the activity will cause loss of student responses. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you do NOT edit H5P items after students have interacted with them.

Editing Preference

Editing on pima.h5p.com
Image of the H5P dashboard content page. A drag and drop “muscle anatomy” content example has been chosen. On the right side of the example, the “Edit content” pencil icon is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating to select it.
Image of the H5P drag and drop example “muscle anatomy” displayed. On the top left, Edit is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating that the content can now be edited.
Image of the very bottom of the editing screen within an H5P activity. The Save button in the bottom left corner is highlighted with a box and an arrow to show its selection.

Congrats! Your changes have been applied and you will be taken back to the View option of the H5P item.

Editing within D2L
Image of the D2L Content Module page. A box surrounds an H5P content page in the middle of the page with an arrow pointing towards it to indicate its selection.
Image of an H5P activity, where the Edit button in the upper left corner is highlighted with a box and has an arrow pointing towards it showing its selection.
Image of the editing screen of an H5P activity. The Save button in the upper right corner is highlighted with a box and an arrow to show its selection.

Congrats! You have successfully edited your H5P item within D2L!

You are done. Great job!


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