1. Open the camera app on IPhone.
Then go to video, and click "Record" and record desired video. Once video is finished it will automatically save to IPhone.
![Image shows camera app on iphones and points to the record button](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/008/260/708/original/879f4c91-e9a2-4059-85ca-e50b6b493029.png)
2. Next, go to D2L and locate assignment for video submission.
Scroll to the bottom of assignment page and click "Upload".
![Image shows assignment page on D2L and highlights the upload button on the lower left](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/008/260/710/original/2621ba18-8a0a-4500-925d-e7b1a3c9e34b.png)
3. Select "Photo Library".
![Image shows upload drop down and highlights the photo library button](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/008/260/712/original/c409e347-fcd7-4923-aec1-da3aff531c61.png)
4. Select desired video and click "Add" in the upper left corner.
![Image shows photo library on iphone and highlights the add button](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/008/260/714/original/7f1460fd-0f45-4fb3-bc7e-0b2e355c6f1c.png)
5. Once the upload is complete, click "Submit".
![Image shows assignment page and highlights the submit button](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/008/260/716/original/9bd42c4b-1dfd-4074-bcc7-1f62d2a035d4.png)
6. Once assignment has been submitted, the following will be displayed.
![Image shows confirmation page after d2l submission](https://media.screensteps.com/image_assets/assets/008/260/718/original/ed405935-bb59-46a7-97ac-07d98b9ee8dc.png)
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