Pima Tech Guides

Viewing the Quiz Submission View

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1. After answering all the questions in the quiz, click Submit Quiz.

The image displays a quiz page requesting confirmation to submit the quiz. The Submit Quiz button is highlighted by a red box and arrow in the center of the image.

2. At the top of the Submission View page, you can find the grade received for the current attempt and the highest grade achieved from all attempts.

Some courses will not allow you to view this information until after the due date for the quiz has passed.

The image displays the top of the Submission View page.

3. Scrolling down in the Submission View page, you can find the quiz's questions, your answers to the questions, and the points received for each question.

Some courses will not allow you to view this information until after the due date for the quiz has passed.

The image displays the bottom of the Submission View page.


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