1. Begin by logging into D2L. At the top of the screen, the D2L Brightspace Toolbar will be visible.
The first icon is the Course Selector. Clicking on it will show a list of all of your courses and a search bar that can be used to search for a specific course.
2. The second icon is for Message Alerts. Clicking on it will allow you to send an email via your Pima email account.
3. The third icon is for Subscription Alerts. Clicking on it will show any alerts you have received from discussions that you have subscribed to.
An orange dot will appear next to the icon if you have unread alerts.
4. The fourth icon is for Update Alerts. Clicking on it will show any alerts you have received from your courses, such as announcements, updated grades or due date changes.
An orange dot will appear next to the icon if you have unread alerts.
5. The fifth icon is for Personal Information and Settings. Clicking on it will open a menu with options to view your profile, change account settings, and log out.
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