This article will review how to set up your Packback Community for a course. First, follow the instructions found in Packback Questions: Adding Packback to D2L to add Packback to your D2L course.
Step-by-step Instructions
Navigate to your D2L course and select the Packback link you created in D2L. Once you select this, your Packback community for the specific D2L course will be created and you will be directed to set up your community for this course. On the landing page, navigate to the bottom and select Create a New Community.
If you are setting up a community for a template (master) course, follow the instructions at Packback: Cloning Packback for a New CRN. If you are connecting a previous community, follow instructions at Packback Questions: Copying an Existing Community.
Set your grade allocation for assignments in this Packback community. *Packback recommends a minimum grade allocation between 10-15% for best results. After this, select the Create a New Community button to finish initial community setup.
The grade allocation here has no impact on grading in Packback nor does it impact the D2L grade book. It is only here to help instructors think about how much they should allocate to Packback for the final grade of the course. No D2L grade is required.

Please select Dismiss to complete your Packback Community setup.
These options on Finish setting up your community are optional/discouraged. They are intended for those not using Packback with D2L. All Pima instructors use Packback through D2L so these criteria do not apply. All required set up such as students being added to your community will happen automatically through D2L.

You may toggle through the Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced button to get an idea of what range of Curiosity Score you will want to require from your students. For more on Curiosity Score, please see our article Packback Questions: Understanding Curiosity Score.

You are done. Great job!
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