1. Standard PCC syllabus templates are available in MyPima.
First, log on to mypima.pima.edu
Next, navigate to the (1) Employees tab, and click on the (2) Teach tab. Then, click on the (3) popout Teach tab.
2. Find the Syllabus Template section at the lower left corner of the page. Syllabi are organized by course prefix.
For example, to find the Biology 157 syllabus:
a) Click on the appropriate range of course prefixes (A-F)
b) By clicking on the letter range an Intranet page, containing the folders with the letter range will open up.
When you click on the desired subject folder it will expand, and display all syllabi for that subject.
c) Select the desired syllabus
3. Depending on the browser, the file may automatically open as a word document or there may be a prompt to save the file to your computer.
Now the syllabus is ready for specific edits.
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