1. If the course has been cloned from the course skeleton, there should be a 'Meet Your Instructor' page already displayed within the Contents section of your course. Click 'Content' first, then locate the 'Meet Your Instructor' option.
1. From within a module, click 'Upload/Create,' then the sub-group 'Create a File.' On the new page, click the 'Browse for Template' button in the top right.
2. Click on the 'Course Offering Files' option in the 'Add a File' window. Scroll down and find the 'Start_Here_Files' option, then select the 'Instructor_Biography.html' file and click the blue 'Add' button.
3. This will create a blank 'Meet Your Instructor' page that you can edit to fit you and your course.
4. You might find the Course Offering codes missing or lacking the Instructor Biography template. Make sure that from the Contents section, click on the settings button, and find the 'Enable HTML Templates' checkbox.
5. This should let you find the Instructor template through the 'Create a File' option and the 'Browse for Template' button. You'll find the 'Instructor_Biography' option in the 'Select a Document Template' menu - clicking it will create the file for you to edit.
6. If you find that this does not work, or that the templates are enabled but still cannot find the Instructor Biography template, you can try finding an Instructor Template in the 'Public Files' section.
Click on the 'Upload Files' option under the 'Upload/Create' menu. In the 'Add a File' pop-up window, click on the 'Public Files' option. This will lead you to a 'shared' folder: click the folder labeled 'templates' to open it.
7. Opening the 'templates' folder will provide a list of more folders. Find a sample folder, in this case we used the 'Template_University' folder, and find the 'instructor_biography' template in the folder, in this case the template is in the 'More' folder.
Click on the checkbox next to the name of the template to choose it, then click the blue 'Add' button.
8. Clicking the blue 'Add' button will then lead you to the original content page, with a new 'Instructor Biography' page. Clicking on this new page will take you to it, where you can edit the HTML to add text, images, or videos.

9. You can also click on the actual example template to download/preview the different instructor biography pages, so if you dislike a template you can search for a different one to use and edit.
2. Now that you have a blank Instructor page, introduce yourself to your class! Mention why you like teaching, why you like teaching online courses, what your philosophy is, your pets or your hobbies, etc.
3. To Replace the placeholder image inside the text box, place your cursor in front of the placeholder image and press 'delete' on your keyboard. Select the 'Insert Stuff' icon and choose a photo. Make sure to give it a title in the pop-up window, then insert. Once inserted, you can resize the image by clicking on it and dragging a corner until it reaches the correct size.
4. Finally, make sure to enter your contact information at the bottom. Enter your phone number, email, and office hours for students looking to get in touch with you!
You can change the color of the text using the 'A with a paintbrush' icon in the top menu of the text box.
5. Once you are satisfied with your new Instructor page, click on the 'Save and Close' button on the bottom left of your screen to save your changes.

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