Click on the link to access the D2L shell request form:
The "Requestor" name should be filled out if it did not auto populate.
The "Contact" field is not required to be filled, but if you want to add an individual as a contact on a ticket, feel free to do so.
Follow the steps below to properly fill out the shell request form:
1. Shell Type : Instructor Dev
2. Would you like to clone? : Yes
3. Listing user(s) and access level: If you want other users to have access to this shell (other than yourself), please provide their name here with what type of access you want them to have (view-only, editing access).
4. Select the blue "Submit" button to submit your request to the D2L Support Team.
It can take anywhere from 24-48 hours to process a ticket. If the support team has any further questions in regard to your ticket they will respond in the ticket. You will receive an email alert with any updates to your ticket.
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