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Simple Syllabus: The Syllabus Workflow

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The Syllabus Workflow

Step 1. How to find and edit the Common Syllabus. (Optional)

Annotation 1. Filter by syllabus type and term. Annotation 2. You can find the Common syllabi in the To Do and Completed columns. Annotation 3. Click on the Edit button on the Common syllabus in the To do column to customize it.

Image of the Simple Syllabus dashboard.

The instructor edits and submits the CRN level syllabus for approval.

Edit the syllabus in your To Do column. Once your syllabus is completed, submit it for approval.

Image of a syllabus with the Edit button annotated.
Image of syllabus with the submit button annotated.

The CRN level syllabus is approved or rejected with comments.  

Review the syllabi in your To Do column. Option 1. Approve the syllabus. Or Option 2. Reject and add internal comments for the instructor.

Image of to Do Sylloabus with the Review button annotated.
image of a syllabus in review with the approve, reject buttons, and the comment section annotated.

The CRN level syllabus gets published.

Once the syllabus is approved, it will be published and become accessible to students in the D2L Syllabus tab on the first day of the term.

Image of the D2L navbar with the syllabus tab annotated.
Congratulations, you are done!


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